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»Love = Two
Sunday, January 30, 2011

The sun rises,
The sun sets,
The night lights glow,
One light shines brighter though,
And he will stay with me forever,
He is what keeps me going in cold weather,
When the road gets rough,
he is the one that holds me tight,
When I see him
Hair in the wind,
Looking like an angel,
Eyes radiant in the sun,
he brings warmth to my heart,
His bright soul,
His spirit so high,
Like the wind,
I will always find him,
Wherever he might be,
No matter what he thinks,
Or what he does,
He's perfect,
And that is all that matters,
He is the Guy of my dreams,
And I found him,
And mine forever he will be...

words spilled @ 8:12 PM / leave goosebumps here