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»Secret Lover
Thursday, January 13, 2011

Come into my heart dear one,
Fill it with the warmth of your love,
Brighten my days with your sunny smile,
And fill my nights with unbridled passion.
Lay with me under the starry skies,
Whispering into my ear,
Those sweet words of love,
That only we two understand,
Gently caress my trembling body,
With deliberate, knowing hands,
And cover my mouth with passionate kisses,
That draw the very soul from my body.
I live to be near you,
To feel your gentleness.
My world begins and ends in your arms.
You give me such unbelievable joy and bliss.
My heart, my wonderful, but secret lover.
words spilled @ 2:14 AM / leave goosebumps here